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(Death toll from US backed dictatorship/death squads 1976-1983: 20,000)

State Terrorism and the United States: From Counterinsurgency to the War on Terrorism by Frederick H. Gareau
Argentina's Dirty War


Kissinger and the "Dirty War"

Dirty Peace in Argentina

Argentina's Dapper State-Terrorist

Dirty Deeds: Spain wants to extradite Argentina's former dictators

Argentine military felt secure: U.S. backed quashing of leftists


Argentina and the IMF

Economic Debacle in Argentina The IMF Strikes Again

The Long Climb [Argentina] An energized Argentine democracy is holding its own against the IMF, but for how long?

Pakistan and Argentina

Argentine's Making a Life After Capitalism

Before they killed us with guns, now they kill us with hunger

Another IMF Crash

Who Shot Argentina?

Argentina: The Epidemic Spreads in Latin America

The Sacking of Argentina

Argentina's Revolt

Disasters of Neoliberalism: Argentina in Flames

The Costs of Orthodoxy: Argentina was the poster child for austerity and obedience to the IMF formula

Argentina: Between Disintegration and Revolution

A Rich Country Goes Bust Again: Those Who Ruined Argentina

Don't Cry for the IMF, Argentina

The New Resistence In Argentina